Life can be tough on us sometimes 😔 Success, failure, happiness, sadness are all routines of life. Sometimes we feel like there’s no one around us that could understand what we’re going through and feel like we’re alone in this long journey 🛣
If you’re always on the social media, you might have came across to this name, “Aiman Psikologi” at least once. This time, with the collaboration with PYDC, we’ll be holding “Biology Mental Health Day” Talk with our respected presenter, Aiman Psikologi. Not only that, there are more interesting activities that will be done such as yoga 🧘🏻♂️🧘🏻♀️ kahoot games 👾 and more! You may refer to the tentative given in the link for more detailed info.
The details are as below:
📌 Date: 27th March 2021
📌 Time: 8:30am – 11:00pm
📌 Platform: Cisco Webex and Zoom Meeting app
📌 Program tentative: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6Vg5ioKplBpDDhlhWs1DSZxiQ3SLiM1/view?usp=sharing
You may register yourself by scanning the QR code that’s in the poster or click the link below 👇🏻
Do not miss this opportunities to join our big day and see ya! 👋🏻
For any enquiries, you can reach out to:
📞 Shavita: 010-7780277
📞 Aina: 010-3571501
📞 PYDC: 012-4010186