Are you ready to be a part of something extraordinary? ![🤩]()
It’s time to showcase your unique talents and join hands with fellow youth to embrace diversity, ignite creativity, and unite through talent.![✨]()
*Why Join MTS 2023?*
Through your talent, you can contribute to the vibrant mosaic of cultures that make Malaysia extraordinary.
Whether you sing, dance, perform magic, or have any special skill, this is your chance to be heard and seen on stage!
Connect with like-minded youth who are passionate about embracing diversity and making a positive impact.
Compete for exciting prizes and recognition, but remember, the real reward is inspiring others and building bridges of understanding.
Scan the QR code to register or visit at https://pydc.com.my/en/merdeka-talent-show/ by *30 September 2023.*
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to be part of a movement that celebrates the power of unity and youth creativity.
Let’s make this year’s Merdeka Talent Show an unforgettable showcase of our collective spirit! ![🎉]()
For more information, contact us at +6012401 0186 (PYDC) or +6013541 0973 (Ms Shafinaz).
Join us as we light up the stage with unity and talent! ![🎭]()