We have successfully launched the Penang Young Digital Talent Q3 – E-Sports Development Series!
All Penangites and those who are residing in Penang whether to work or to study, and you are categorized as youth aged 18 to 30 years old, you are most welcomed to participate.
There will be a fee charged of RM 200 for non students. Whereas, there is a minimum fee of RM20 that would be imposed onto students.
The details of this program is as below:
i. Certificate in 3D Development – 10, 11, 17 July 2021
ii. Certificate in Game Development – 7, 8, 14 August 2021
iii. Certificate in Business in the game – 11, 12, 18 September 2021
Registration and Payment Deadline: 2 days before each courses For more details feel free to scan on the QR code below or visit this link: shorturl.at/jCMW6
For the details on the outline of the course can be found on the link below:
So why wait any longer? Come and join us now!!