Date: 13 November 2021
Time: 8.30am – 2.30pm
Venue: Zoom Cloud

The Role of Youth in the Era of Industry 4.0

YB Tuan Soon Lip Chee
(Penang State EXCO of Youth and Sports)

“One has to adopt the approach of learning from other people across boundaries and differences in order to remain competitive. I believe this programme is one of the best initiatives to prepare a platform for information and knowledge exchange. This will also enhance the learning experience of our participants as this gives them exposure to learn from successful individuals and academicians which are a tough chance to come by”.

Dr Gwee Sai Ling
(General Manager of Penang Youth Development Corporation)

“Penang Youth Development Corporation believe this is the right way forward as we forge synergy by coming together to launch the International Youth Conference with the theme ‘The Role of Youth in the Era of Industry 4.0’. A platform to enhance interaction and engagement among the Youth in Malaysia and Youth from abroad as we seek to accelerate the learning curve of our Youth”.


As in this era of Industry 4.0, the modern technologies are creating a massive threat to jobs and creating job shortages, and even now some jobs are unfilled because of mismatch between youths’ skills and employer needs. Today, companies are changing the way they do business. They are shifting towards digitalization. They need professionals who should know in-and-out of technologies, their applications, and also implications.

Now, it’s time for youth to pursue courses based on the advanced technologies formed. Hence, this conference will be held in order for the youth to explore through writing, the new world of digitalization. Below are some of the topics of interests for the paperwork;

However the topics are not limited, thus participants are encouraged to search more for interesting topics It’s the time for them to be re-skilled or up-skilled and prepare themselves for the new challenges. This not only helps them to get through the employment but also helps employers to look for young talents.



Co- Organizers

Supported by

Who to participate

Youth from national and international who are 15 to 35 years old


13 November 2021


8.30am – 2.30pm

Virtual venue

Zoom Cloud

Terms and Conditions

i. Prospective authors should submit original and unpublished works for publication and presentation at the conference.

ii. The submissions for the paper must be in ENGLISH.

iii. The date submission:

Abstract Deadline

Full Paper / Academic based poster Deadline

Registration and Payment Deadline

17 September 2021

20 October 2021

31 October 2021

Abstract Deadline:
17 September 2021

Full Paper / Academic based poster Deadline:
20 October 2021

Registration and Payment Deadline:
31 October 2021

iv. The format for the paper submission for presentation based on the following format:

v. All submissions are subject to peer review before an acceptance decision is made.

vi. ACCEPTED PAPERS and Academic based poster will be published in the PYDC e-book with ISBN number.


vii. Participants can choose to publish their papers with one of the below international refereed journals. If you are interested in publishing your paper with the below journals, you may submit your paper via Your paper will be peer-reviewed, and the AIBPM reviewing committee will make the publication decisions in the journals based on the quality and content suitability of the papers.


viii. Participants can choose to publish their papers with one of the below international refereed journals, which is indexed by Scopus. If you are interested in publishing your paper with the below journals, you may submit your paper via Your paper will be peer-reviewed, and the AIBPM reviewing committee will make the publication decisions in the journals based on the quality and content suitability of the papers (Additional fees will be charged for publication in SCOPUS indexed journals).


Academic based poster presentation

Participants need to finish their presentation within 5 minutes and additional two minutes for the question and answer session,


Paper presentation

5 minutes 5 slides (5m5s) presentation. Participants need to finish their presentation within 5 minutes and additional two minutes for the question and answer session and limited to 5 slides


YouTube & FB Live:
The conference will be on LIVE streaming directly from the Zoom meeting room.

Conference Fees







Non- Students



*** Payable to PYDC Strategies Sdn. Bhd. CIMB 8007034050

  • All award winners will receive an e-certificate for their achievement.
  • All participants will receive an e-certificate for their participation.

2.0 Event Schedule



8.00am – 8.30am

Registration of participants

8.30am – 8.50am

Opening speech by;
–  Dr Gwee Sai Ling, General Manager of PYDC
–  YB Soon Lip Chee, Exco Youth and Sports of Penang State
–  YAB Chow Kon Yeow, Chief Minister of Penang State

8.50am – 9.05am

Video showcase

9.05am – 10.00am

Sharing by Keynote speakers
Professor Krishna Bista
Morgan State University, Maryland (USA)

Associate Professor Dr. Mousumi Mukherjee
O.P. Jindal Global University, India

Dr. Hohamed Maliki Hohamed Rapiee, P.J.K
Director of International Youth Center, Malaysia

10.00am – 10.05am

Registration to respective break out room

10.05am – 12.30pm

Presentation by participants

12.30pm – 1.30pm

Lunch break

1.30pm – 2.30pm

Award Ceremony and Closing

International Youth Conference

Keynote Speaker


Dr. Krishna Bista


Morgan State University


Dr. Mousumi Mukherjee

Associate Professor

O.P. Jindal Global University


Dr. Mohamed Maliki Mohamed Rapiee


Director of International Youth Centre

Reviewer Panel Member

Contact Us

If you have any enquiries, please contact us:

Penang Youth Development Corporation (PYDC)


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